Meeting with Shuhada Organization about Future Cooperation
Meeting this morning with Shuhada Organization about future cooperation. Among other things they build schools, hospitals and medical clinics, particularly in remote areas. When the school or clinic is operating well, they hand it over to the government and an agreement is reached with the local people that they will monitor the quality of the school or clinic and report to Shuhada. That way they make sure that the school or clinic is not neglected by the officials.
Shuhada was founded 27 years ago by one of Afghanistan’s most influential women, Dr Sima Samar. It’s a non-profit organization that works to strengthen a democratic and peaceful Afghanistan.
We are impressed by the work of Director Jawad Wafa and his staff. And enthusiastic that they are very interested in getting our listening tools into their projects. Together, we identified several interesting opportunities for cooperation around gender, children’s rights and peace talks.
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