How Peer Coaching can Drastically Improve Your Life

Our NGO offers free Peer Coaching services to individuals.
Peer Coaches report an enhanced level of life satisfaction, lower levels of stress & anxiety and generally better mental health.

Are you struggling with?

Stress & Anxiety Issues


Need for a Confidant

Making the right choices

Know that these are just symptoms

of a deeper-rooted disease affecting your generation more than ever before.

Our mission is to radically decrease stress & anxiety, reduce loneliness and enable Self-reflection by connecting individuals to the one person unhappy people need: a true friend.

Active Listening Skills

Teaching active listening skills and relational presence, meaningful feedback and exercising assertiveness.

Democratizing Coaching

Everyone needs peer support once in a while. Similar to a Peer Support Group, everyone should have the right to access peer coaching.

Self Reflection

Encouraging self-reflection, thoughtful communication, and an individual exploration of personal patterns of productivity. Creative solutions to work-place issues.

Promoting Empathy

All of us need to be heard, and coaching is about truly listening. Peer Coaching shows people they matter.

Peer Coaching vs Peer Mentoring

  • True Emotional Release

  • Active Listening from the Coach

  • Peace of Mind

  • Clarity of Thought

  • Deep Self-reflective state

= Peer Coaching

Free Access for NGOs & Individuals.

Paid for by companies using Peer Coaching for their employees in the workplace.

Increase in workplace fulfillment for employees using Peer Coaching


I want to...

...use Peer Coaching for myself or my team

OR free access to Peer Coaching for others

Donate Now
''Every penny, paid by a company to use Peer Coaching, will bring us further in our goal of providing free Peer Coaching to people who couldn't otherwise afford it.''
Fredrik Eklöf Founder, Listeners without Borders